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brandnewday歌曲ryanstar(brand new day 歌词)
2023-08-26 23:33:16      来源:科技网      

1、On your lips is the kiss of sunrise you miss

2、Warm my arms heal you suffering dream


3、On my hearts is a Marker the first charts you seen

4、We want to change not today not ever

5、It"s a brand new day

6、It"s a brand new day

7、The future comes dancing like our rise

8、Hand over heals such a charts

9、Can you feel it comingyou shine all the world the hot spotlight

10、Every under cool dark night

11、enchant orange purple green forever seen

12、Changing everything but us day and night

13、This is this is this is a brand new day

14、You are you are you are a brand new day

15、Wow oh wow oh

16、You are a brand new day

17、Wow oh Wow oh you are a brand new day

18、Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh

19、Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh

20、Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh

21、Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh

22、Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh

23、Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh

24、Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh

25、Wow oh Wow oh Wow oh oh oh oh



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